What to look out for when choosing the colour of your floor


At NWIF, we are the commercial flooring melbourne specialists that understands the colour of the floor can be an important aspect of any commercial environment. When it comes to setting the tone and mood for either your business or your home, then the right colour flooring is really important. Flooring, whether commercial or industrial, epoxy or concrete, is hard wearing and durable, which means it is going to be around for some time, so there are a few pointers to consider before making your colour choice.

Setting and surroundings 
Coloured flooring will look different depending on the surrounding features, which includes the tones and colours of adjacent walls and ceilings, along with any equipment or furniture placed on the floor. The amount of natural light falling on the floor is also important, as daylight can make a floor seem a different colour than it would be if artificial light is shining on it all the time. If you have an area that is not well lit, with no access to natural day light, then you will want to consider a colour that reflects rather than absorbs light, so a bright white or pale colour will bounce the light around the room, unlike a black or dark colour.

Working conditions
You do need to consider the job the flooring is going to do because if it is subject to a lot of wear and tear over the years, then there will be some changes over time. This will also depend on the care and maintenance it is subject to, or not as the case may be, including use of appropriate cleaning materials, plus if it will be continually exposed to sunlight or high temperatures.

You also should consider the people in the working environment, as colours do have an impact on individuals. Very bright strong vibrant colours can look energizing but can be very tiring for people who have to work under these conditions day after day. If your requirements demand a concrete rather than epoxy floor for example, this should also be taken into consideration as a yellow stained concrete floor might not look as good as the same colouring used in an epoxy resin.

Colour swatches and samples
If possible try to look at the original colour palette before choosing your final colour. Online samples are a good indicator but because computers have different settings and resolution, then you may get a slightly different shade than the one you were expecting. One of the best options is to go along and have a look at some of these floorings in situ, if this is at all practicable. There are many commercial and industrial flooring applications in Melbourne and the surrounding areas. Feel free to contact us for a project reference to show you examples of these floors in Melbourne, Moorabbin, Brighton, Dandenong, Ringwood, Croydon, Sunshine, Preston and beyond, that may suit your purpose.

Design and function
Finally, think about the overall look and feel of what it is you are aiming to project to either your customers or visitors to your home or premises. Polished and mirrored floors not only reflect light but offer a glamorous and opulent look to a business or residential property. Epoxy floors can provide colourful floor options for a modern twist and decorative chips added to add a little sparkle or complement the décor of a room. There are also a number of decorative concrete coatings available on the market today that you might want to consider.

Whatever you decide, just ensure you give yourself time to consider all the options and professional commercial and industrial flooring experts will be more than happy to spend time making sure you make the right choice.

Written by Sprout Online

Meirav Dulberg